

And just like that, we have a new driver. “Just wait until the teenage years” was often said to me with a derogatory tone. It implied that I would only have a few sweet years while my babies turned to children before those dreaded teenage years. I can respectfully respond to that now with a [...]

Our newest teenager

Our newest teenager

Last month this kid became a teenager. He has grown so much over the past year and I’m not just talking his height, which he likes to remind me has overshadowed my own. This has been such a cool season of opportunity for Boone. We spent last year homeschooling. In addition to his “regular” school [...]

September 2021

September 2021

The kids and I spent a perfect, crisp Colorado morning enjoying the start of our favorite season with some of our favorite friends at an apple farm! We knew going into it that the U-Pick wasn’t pickable due to an early freeze, but our hearts were set on apple cider donuts. Turns out the bakery [...]